This is a very important question and one that is best answered by your Chiropractor. As a general rule, Physio is useful if there are limits to your joint range of motion (ROM) that involve mostly the muscles and ligaments and result in pain or discomfort. Chiropractors are doctors who specialize in the treatment of misalignments to the spine, hips, and cranium that involve nerve interference or nerve impingement.
While both physios and Chiropractors may work with a knee, shoulder, or hip joint, however, the cause of the pain or discomfort must first be determined to bring about the best results. Pain in the shoulder, for example, may arise from either misalignment or injury to the bursa or shoulder joint itself, or it could arise from a “pinched nerve” in the neck. Similarly, pain in the leg or knee could come either from a local joint problem or a “pinched nerve” in the lower back.
The differences may be difficult for any patient to determine; this is why a consultation with your Chiropractor may be the best first step. If the Chiropractor determines that the joint and bursa itself are involved – with no spinal involvement – and the joint correction involves more than a simple adjustment, he or she will refer you to a Physiotherapist for more complete care.