Dr Spine Chiropractic Clinic In Bangalore
Treating a Bulging Disc the Dr. Spine Way!

Dr. Spine Clinic
Disc Bulge or Slipped Disc
The so-called “slipped disc” is a very common complaint, and is often misdiagnosed by some health professionals not specifically trained to diagnose and treat biomechanical stress on the spine and the effects this has on spinal nerve roots.
At Dr. Spine, our doctors have treated thousands of patients suffering from bulging discs in the spine (or “slipped discs”) using a combination of gentle chiropractic adjustments and specific treatment modalities. Our spine specialists are well-trained to accurately assess your condition, and then use a variety of chiropractic and other non-invasive methods to bring about lasting relief.
Why is Dr. Spine Clinic Bangalore India’s best chiropractic clinic?
- American chiropractors – highly trained experts.
- Individual patient care philosophy. Custom plans for each patient.
- Focus on a non-surgical and holistic approach to treating spinal issues.
- The extremely high success rate of 95%.Treated over 65000+ cases.
- 3 Convenient Clinic locations in Bangalore.
- We Provide High-Quality Treatment in a Cost-effective and Transparent Manner
Contact us
Dr. Spine Clinic has 4 state-of-art centres in Bangalore. Please reserve your slot by using the form here. Alternatively, you can call 75 5070 5070 to schedule your appointment.