Pain Relief by Chiropractor Treatment

Dr. Spine Chiropractic Clinic In Bangalore

Pain Relief By Chiropractic Treatment

Are you in Pain

Back and neck pain, migraines, headaches, disc bulges, and sciatica are best treated by chiropractors.

Additionally, scoliosis, spinal conditions, fibromyalgia, and many more conditions are treated by chiropractors. While it’s often perceived that the chiropractor is only able to treat back and neck pain, this is just

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The Best Pain Relief by Chiropractor Treatment

Chiropractic And The Slipped Disc

A disc herniation commonly referred to as a slipped or bulged disc is a condition of the spine that can cause a tremendous amount of pain. Patients often complain of severe back pain that can radiate down the arms or legs. Many times people with this condition are referred to undergo costly and risky surgery to relieve the symptoms. Chiropractic care is a medical profession developed over 100 years ago in the United States that offers a safe and effective cure for conditions of the spine such as a slipped disc.

Chiropractic care is unique in its approach to treating conditions of the spine. It is a safer and much cheaper alternative to the surgical approach. It works by making simple adjustments to the spine and allowing the body to heal itself. It is safe and effective only when done by a trained Dr. of Chiropractic.

Dr. Spine Chiropractic clinic employs a licensed Dr. of Chiropractic who has successfully treated many slipped discs. A slipped disc is best treated using a combination of light manual adjustments to the vertebrae with the addition of a technique known as flexion and distraction. The manual adjustments are very specific to the misaligned vertebrae that are commonly found in spines that have slipped discs. After the vertebrae are aligned to their normal positions the patient will often undergo flexion and distraction. This painless technique helps to decompress the spine and allows the slipped disc to return to its normal alignment. Once this has been done the pressure on the surrounding nerves is relieved and the pain disappears.

During the treatment plan, a patient with a slipped disc will also be given a series of small exercises to help strengthen the back or neck to avoid a reoccurrence in the future. This is done in conjunction with postural and nutritional advice all aimed at treating the body as a whole. Each of these pieces together helps to facilitate the speed and effectiveness of the treatment and allows for faster healing time and pain-free patients.

Call Us Today for a Consultation

Please reserve your slot by using the form here. Located in the Heart of the City. It’s very easy to reach our clinic. CALL +91 75 5070 5070

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