Opening Hours: 8AM to 8PM

Chiropractor In Bangalore

Dr Spine Chiropractic Clinic In Bangalore

Chiropractic Treatment Bangalore

Dr. Spine Chiropractic Clinic Bangalore

Most Trusted Chiropractic Clinic in Bengaluru

Our Chiropractic team serves Bangalore and the surrounding communities. Our spine doctors at Dr. Spine clinic are dedicated to chiropractic solutions to target your unique needs, whether you are suffering from lower back pain, upper back pain, cervical neck pain, headaches, or even just plain old muscular tightness and tension.

At your first visit to Dr. Spine’s clinic, we will explain the science behind how chiropractic care works, and give you a full evaluation to see if chiropractic care is right for you. If there is a good fit, we can develop a plan of chiropractic care that is specific to your condition and health goals.

If you are new to seeing a chiropractor and want to find out more, please email us or call 91-7550705070 to receive personalized answers to your questions from our friendly team.

Our team of experienced chiropractors in Bangalore, India are spine specialists in treating musculoskeletal and connected neurological conditions using the latest chiropractic techniques available for the first time in Bangalore and India. The advantage of our Bangalore Chiropractors is that they treat the cause of the lower & upper back pain or ailment and not just the symptom.

Expert doctors at Dr.Spine Chiropractic are internationally trained, experienced, and specialize in alternate therapy and natural healing sciences. They have achieved exemplary success in their fields such as chiropractic, physiotherapy, and natural healing.

Unlike drugs that mask the pain and surgery, which can be avoided in 95% of the cases through experienced and advanced chiropractic treatment. Our Bangalore Chiropractors achieve your health goals by eliminating the misalignment in the spine and offer a range of spine treatments without surgery.

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